The Letter Film

'The Letter' Film

Post from 9 October 2023

📝✨ Event Report: The Powerful Impact of 'The Letter' 🎥🌍

Last week, the Corpus Christi parish community came together for a special film screening of 'The Letter.' As the credits rolled and the lights slowly brightened, it was evident that the stories depicted had left an indelible mark on everyone present. The film's exploration of human suffering and the devastating effects of climate change on wildlife resonated deeply with each viewer. For many, including the author, the most striking aspect was the profound impact on third-world communities, who bear the brunt of these ecological challenges.

Following the screening, a collective moment of reflection unfolded. Conversations buzzed as attendees contemplated the urgent need for change, both individually and as a parish community. The film had ignited a collective awakening, compelling us to examine our own actions and the responsibility we bear in protecting our planet.

Several actions were noted and the Corpus Christi parish leadership can certainly expect to be challenged to develop a plan to reduce or even eliminate the parish's impact on the environment.

The film is available to watch via YouTube at any time. If you want to see it again or missed our event and have not seen it yet - just click on the poster in this blog post.